Bloodlet – Anthology of Violent Fiction
The seed of hatred and fear infused in each single act of microcosmic violence can scar a witness soul for an entire lifetime. Often, no word of assurance can delete the memory of the event from the mind of the afflicted.
Beyond the plane of material violence lies the realm of the abstract. At few points in time has this been more true than the present crisis of the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic that we are experiencing.
The fear and violence in our minds have led us to ignore the disease, or be so wary of its existence that we overhaul our life completely. The fear of contagion has pushed us to be violent against the people we would hold dear in dissimilar circumstances.
With such diverse forms that violence can take, it is only proper that Bloodlet be an anthology of stories as diverse as the facets of violence tend to be.
Bloodlet features 18 pieces of fiction from 16 authors around the globe who have attempted to paint a picture of violence with the general intention of finding a causality for the course that the violent action takes.
Jay Chakravarti, Charlotte Platt, Paul Stevens, Elyse Hart, Heather Leigh, Harris Coverley, Jeff Seeman, Rollin Jewett, Michael C. Graham, Dan McKeithan, David A. Estringel, James Lipson, Joe Cervelin, Robeir K. Elfares (Translated by Essam M. Al-Jassim), Shawn Hatfield and Ed Ahern.
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